A concerned mom came to me seeking insights on her son’s behavior. She explained, “Sometimes Joseph can seem zoned out and not always in tune with what it going on… read more →
Planning for college does not have to wait until the senior year. Students obtain better outcomes when college planning starts in tenth or eleventh grade. A rising junior student I… read more →
A parent recently brought her 10-year-old child to me to answer the question, “Is it Autism, ADHD, or Both?” Her son was having difficulty in school with friendships, concentrating, transitioning,… read more →
The high school to college transition is a huge step in a teen’s life and independent living. With hard work students with learning disabilities, mild autism, ADHD, and other disabilities… read more →
A concerned parent came to us for testing because on more than one occasion her son said, “I shouldn’t be alive. I’m better off dead.” Before contacting us, this mom… read more →