A licensed school psychologist is a person who has studied both the field of psychology and education and has earned at least a master’s degree or higher. In a school… read more →
A psychoeducational evaluation is an investment in your child. It is an evaluation process used to determine your child’s abilities and how he or she learns best. Standard psychoeducational evaluations… read more →
The school year is well underway and students are busy with assignments at school and home. This means spelling tests to study for, books to read, math to complete, and… read more →
As a school psychologist, many parents consult with me for advice about placing their child in a public or private school. I work with most of the schools in our… read more →
Everyone is talking! We are usually talking out loud to someone or talking to ourselves. When we talk in our mind this is called self or inner-talk. Inner-talk is important… read more →