Learn more about Individual Education Plans (IEP) and 504 Plans in these short videos.
What is an IEP? (3 minutes, 5 seconds)
You can learn more about the IEP process and how you can advocate for your child to obtain the best IEP possible. Dr. Jim Forgan interviews IEP and special education advocate Kristen Petrone. You can contact Kristen at kbpspecialinsights.com
Preparing for your child’s IEP meeting (3 minutes, 19 seconds)
What are the main components that should be in my child’s IEP? (4 minutes)
Know your parental rights in the IEP process (3 minutes, 19 seconds)
Next steps for an IEP after school neuropsychological testing is completed. (3 minutes, 12 seconds)
What is a 504 Plan? (1 minute, 54 seconds)
Preparing for IQ Testing (1 minute, 59 seconds)
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