A concerned mom explained her child’s struggles to me, “I feel like sometimes Jenny cannot keep up with a conversation. When we are talking she often stops and ask questions… read more →
Math problems can spell dyscalculia. Solve this: “If you have $196 dollars and you spend $27, how much money do you have left?” If you are a math whiz you… read more →
Dysgraphia is a type of writing learning disability that is recognized by Florida public schools. When a child has dysgraphia writing can be a mentally overwhelming, physically exhausting, and time… read more →
Could it be a writing learning disability? Does your child have awful looking penmanship? Does she have an awkward looking pencil grip? How about difficulty putting thoughts onto paper? One… read more →
Dyscalculia (pronounced dys-cal-kule-ya) is a type of math learning disability. I explain this to some parents and they say it sounds like dyslexia, but for math. They are right as… read more →