Dyscalculia: A Math Learning Disability
Dyscalculia (pronounced dys-cal-kule-ya) is a type of math learning disability. I explain this to some parents and they say it sounds like dyslexia, but for math. They are right as dyscalculia occurs in about half of the children with dyslexia. Your child might have dyscalculia if he or she struggles with memorizing math facts, understanding math vocabulary, and strongly dislikes math. Dyscalculia becomes more noticeable as children get into upper elementary, middle, and high school.
What is Dyscalculia
Generally, people with dyscalculia have poor ‘number sense.’ This is an intuitive understanding of how numbers work. A lack of number sense causes people with dyscalculia to struggle with math concepts. If your child doesn’t understand the basics about how numbers work, learning math and using it every day can be very frustrating.
Dyscalculia warning signs include difficulty seeing how numbers work together, poor math fact recall, difficulty understanding concepts like “sum” or “less than,” telling left from right, reading an analog clock, trouble solving math word problems, and difficulty working with dollars and coins. Most children believe they are not good at math and might experience math anxiety.
Dyscalculia Testing
Consider having your child tested to determine the root cause of his or her math difficulty. There might be more occurring than you can fix simply by telling your child to try harder or to stop being lazy. We offer in person dyscalculia testing in Jupiter and Stuart.
What To Do If It Is Dyscalculia
Kids with dyscalculia need specialized instruction and can receive school accommodations. Your child might need to work with a specialized math tutor or attend a special learning center like the Lindamood Bell center in Palm Beach Gardens. At school an IEP might be needed. Some kids benefit from school accommodations on a 504 Plan. There is a lot that can be done once we know the root cause.
Get your child tested if you believe something is interfering with your child’s math, reading, or writing. When you take a wait and see approach it becomes harder to fix the older your child becomes, and it can damage your child’s self-esteem. Contact us if we can help you.
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