Three Ways to Start School Strong
Most kids start school with the intention of having a great year but sometimes their intentions don’t match their actions and kids start to struggle. After all, what kid wants to go to school and face hardship after hardship? Some kids struggle academically while others have social struggles. Either way, these struggles can leave your child feeling frustrated, developing a negative school attitude, and interfering with your child’s performance. Consider these three ways to start school strong.
Know Your Child’s Teacher(s)
First, get to know your child’s teacher(s). This is especially important if your child has an IEP or 504 Plan because you want the teacher to know how to best help your child. All parents should consider writing the teacher(s) a short letter explaining your child’s strengths and needs. I was a classroom teacher and when I received letters from parents it helped me understand and support your child faster. I knew if a child was a worrier, had math struggles, a history of bullying, as well as kids’ strengths.
Teachers also appreciate it when you volunteer your time or resources to help the class. Teachers usually have copying, laminating, bulletin boards, and many other tasks that you could help them with. When you volunteer in your child’s class, you get to know the teacher and other students. These opportunities can help you help your child by having the inside scoop. Teachers also appreciate it when you donate materials such as copy paper, books, or supplies. It seems in schools there is always a short supply of copy paper.
Build Your Child’s Mindset
Second, build your child’s mindset that he or she can do hard things with effort. Teach your child to have grit which is sticking with a task until completion. Notice the small things that your child does that took effort. If it took effort for your child to pick up pinecones in the yard before it is mowed, comment on how he stuck with a task that was boring and took effort. Ask him what he was saying to himself as he worked. Did he say, “This sucks” or “I can do it and I’m helping my mom.” Hopefully the latter and then say, “Can you tell yourself that when you have a hard task in school?”
Routines Are Important
Third, create routines and seek proactive support. Kids perform best when they have a predictable daily routine that includes being organized. Establish a homework schedule, have a consistent place for the backpack, keep use technology to set getting ready in the morning reminders. Having these reduces stress and saves time. Finally, when you see your child struggle, contact a tutor, counselor, or skills coach such as
We can help you help find out why your child struggles and give real solutions to help. Call(561) 625 4125.
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