Many kids with learning differences struggle with self esteem issues and in elementary age students they often will make comments like, “I dumb. I’m not as smart as my brother/… read more →
If your elementary, middle, or high school age child can’t remember and automatically recall his or her math facts he or she probably has a memory weakness for information that… read more →
There is a major problem when ‘Jacob’ can’t read and is in the first grade or higher. If your son, daughter, or grandchild is 6 or older and can’t read… read more →
Up to 20 percent of kids struggle to learn. Reading is the academic area where most kids struggle followed by writing. If you have a child that struggles in school… read more →
As a parent, are you thinking, “I hope things go better for my child in school this year?” Do you anticipate a negative daily call from the school about your… read more →