When Kids Hate Themselves

My first grader can’t read and has recently said, ” I hate myself” because she doesn’t feel smart. She says things are too hard and I can see her getting discouraged. She has trouble remembering letters, sounds, some numbers. She can’t keep up with everyone. Her teacher says she is the lowest one in her class.”

What to Do?

This concerned parent’s description of her child cried out for help and understanding. It is highly unusual for a young student to make statements such as they hate themself, they feel dumb, or they want to die.  No student wants to go to school and repeatedly fail. Furthermore, it is a giant red flag when your child’s teacher says your child is the lowest one in the class.  Given these challenges, this young child’s self-esteem is at risk of long-term damage.

As a concerned parent, you can provide your child with support and understanding. If you suspect an underlying learning disability like dyslexia, our school neuropsychological testing provides answers.  We also test for processing problems such as a weakness in phonics development and memory. Once you understand the specific problem you can then provide the right treatment to help.

Individual Testing

The testing revealed this child had phonological dyslexia with anxiety.  Her mom followed up with one of the specialized tutors and started three times a week tutoring.  Once she received our written report, the teacher helped get the child an IEP for school support. The IEP allowed the school’s special education teacher to work with her in addition to her private tutoring. Parents used children’s books to help with her anxiety of being embarrassed for her reading struggles.  In a follow up conversation, mom said she had renewed hope for her child’s future.

Ages 2 Through College

We test students from age two through college for dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety, depression autism, and more. Call us at (561) 625 4125 to discuss your child or learn more at www.JimForgan.com.