Nurturing Creativity In Dyslexics
All children with dyslexia need to believe they excel at some area in their life. This helps develop our self-esteem and healthy self-esteem advances success in life. Self-esteem is developed by combining our internal beliefs with our external feedback. Thus, our self-esteem is a combination of how we view ourselves and how we believe others view us.
Dyslexia Self Esteem
We want your child with dyslexia to develop healthy self-esteem and feel good about him or herself. So, in what area does your child excel? Although it might be academic related, it might not. Perhaps your child believes she is talented at mathematics. Other kids might believe they are science expert with a deep knowledge of space or fossils. Your child’s natural talent might be athletics and being a fast runner, best basketball free thrower, dancer, or figure skater. Does your child have innated musical ability? Recognize and reinforce your child’s strength area.
If you need ideas consider reading, The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan: A Blueprint for Renewing Your Child’s Confidence and Love of Learning. Author Ben Foss describes his own struggles with dyslexia and provides you with a new perspective that remediation what is broken in your child is not the ultimate goal. He explains, “There are specific attitudes and habits that will have a huge impact on whether your child will be able to apply her strengths at school and beyond.”
Nurturing Creativity in Dyslexics
Since children develop at different rates you can provide your child with opportunities to sample various activities, athletics, arts, and hobbies to gauge their interest and talents. Some activities will be tried and shelved while others might continue to develop and be refined throughout adolescence. It’s often our natural strengths that carry us through in life and shape our career choices. Your child is smart in many ways so help other family members and teachers understand your child’s natural assets. Someone has to recognize your child’s gifts and we hope it’s you.
Concerned About Your Child?
Call to discuss your child as we test children ages 5.5 through college for dyslexia, learning disabilities, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and other processing disorders. Call (561) 625 4125.
Categorized: Dyslexia self esteem
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