Successful Teachers of Students with ADHD Do This

Teachers of students with ADHD can be a positive influence on these wandering boys and girls. All students with ADHD have limitless potential but often need a teacher or adult to recognize the potential and nurture it. If you are a teacher, you could be the one to see the diamond in the rough within your students with ADHD. As a former grade school teacher myself, we have a tremendous influence on our students. At times we don’t realize the full impact of our actions, words, and attitudes but each day our students are being shaped by our influence. In some ways, our students are a product of our teaching. As a current professor and teacher educator at FAU, I want to ensure these future teachers have my stamp of approval. I approach their teaching as if each one were going to teach my own child and ask myself, “Is this person competent enough to teach my child?” My students leave knowing how to teach children with ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning issues.

Successful teachers of students with ADHD embody these principles:

  1. Successful teachers of students with ADHD take time to get to know their student’s interests.
  2. Successful teachers of students with ADHD recognize their unique differences.
  3. Successful teachers of students with ADHD don’t expect the student to be perfect.
  4. Successful teachers of students with ADHD believe in their student.
  5. Successful teachers of students with ADHD value the student’s contributions.
  6. Successful teachers of students with ADHD don’t embarrass the student in front of his or her peers.
  7. Successful teachers of students with ADHD hold the student to high, but attainable, expectations.
  8. Successful teachers of students with ADHD use appropriate humor.
  9. Successful teachers of students with ADHD smile and laugh.
  10. Successful teachers of students with ADHD give a second chance.
  11. Successful teachers of students with ADHD understand and make accommodations.
  12. Successful teachers of students with ADHD provide study guides and review them for accuracy before a big test.
  13. Successful teachers of students with ADHD tie learning into the student’s interests.
  14. Successful teachers of students with ADHD communicate with parents.
  15. Successful teachers of students with ADHD may become discouraged but don’t give up on the student.
  16. Successful teachers of students with ADHD are just like you!

Are you helping your students with ADHD?  Like my “Raising Boys with ADHD” Facebook page or email me your ideas for helping your students with ADHD. Together we can make a difference.

My book Raising Girls with ADHD is published by Prufrock Press and now available in all bookstores.