Psychoeducational Testing Success in West Palm Beach

I recently worked with a teenage boy and his family to do a psychoeducational testing evaluation here in West Palm Beach, Florida. This teenager was struggling to successfully complete the eighth grade. Prior to testing him I met with his parent to discuss the parent’s main concerns, understand their needs, and create an evaluation that would answer their questions about their son.  Then the teenager came in for two different testing sessions and I assessed his learning, neuropsychological processing, and social-emotional status.  His parents then returned to review my written report with specific recommendations. The parents left with understanding about their son that only the testing could reveal.  This helped them know how to best help their son in ways that targeted his weaker areas and built on his strengths.

Psychoeducational Testing Follow-Up

After the testing and parent meeting, I follow up with parents because I earnestly want to know which recommendations they used and how their child is progressing.

This parent appreciated my concern for his son and below is part of his email update and it’s always fulfilling when I hear your child is improving.

Just in the last 2-3 weeks, he has actually been reading on his own and asking for books to continue a series of books (he NEVER did that before). My son didn’t complete his homweork and 15 min of brain training the first 2 days after school last week. So on Wednesday, it was nearly 9 PM and he was done with homework and other things and he said, “Lets go get my tutoring done and over with.” To you this might not mean anything but that was literally the first time I ever heard him say, lets get my work done and over with… he did his work and got to play on the computer, lets hope success breeds success.

All in all I think there has been movement in a positive direction. Lastly, I think that we owe a great deal to you and your positive attitude in your testing and dealing with our son. He walked out each time positive and upbeat, unlike some other sessions with others in years past.

This email made my day!  While the psychoeducational testing costs money, this father will tell you it was money well spent on his son’s future.

One thing I’ve learned is that some parents thought their child was being lazy, slacking, or unmotivated when in actuality there was an underlying problem that the testing revealed. This gave understanding and specific steps for helping the child.

The time is now, let’s get started helping your child. Call or use the contact form above.