ADHD Testing West Palm Beach
ADHD testing in West Palm Beach with Jim Forgan, Ph.D. and associates for children, teens, and college age students. Testing is available for boys and girls and includes more than just the behavioral rating scales you would receive if you visit your pediatrician for ADHD testing in West Palm Beach and surrounding areas. Our ADHD testing includes the behavioral rating forms and two hours of working with your child and doing neuropsychological tests of attention and cognitive processing. This provides testing scores and performance about your child’s attention and processing.
We believe the behavior rating scales are effective tools to use but they are subjective and one person’s opinion. There is typically a clear test profile of scores of a person with ADHD. Our testing is specifically assessing these areas to see if you child’s scores fit the profile. Along with the rating scales, this provides a comprehensive approach for ADHD testing in west palm beach.
If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, an additional service we offer is completing our Dynamic Action Plan. This takes an hour and provides a written plan to help guide you and your child’s next years. We’ll help give you a focus so you can take steps to help your child. We refer to the plan as dynamic because it can be adjusted as your child grows. Often parents get a diagnosis and then are on their own. My staff and I want to support you and your family because raising a child with ADD/ADHD can be challenging.
Call us or use the contact form today if you need testing or support for your child, teen, or young adult with ADHD.
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