Jupiter School Psychologist
Jim Forgan, Ph.D., is a Jupiter School Psychologist in private practice specializing in evaluating and testing children, teens, and young adults for learning issues such as dyslexia. Dr. Forgan also tests for math problems, writing problems, information processing disorders, gifted testing, and ADHD/ ADD testing within the Jupiter, Florida area. As a Florida licensed school psychologist, Dr. Forgan’s gifted testing, dyslexia testing, and other testing reports are accepted by public and private schools. Dr. Forgan also tests college/ university students for learning issues so they may receive reasonable accommodations such as extended time on tests.
Jupiter School Psychologist Role
A school psychologist Dr. Jim Forgan works with children, teens, and young adults to determine if they qualify for special allowances or help in school. The public schools offer two types of help which are either the 504 plan or an IEP. The 504 plan allows students with documented needs to have allowances in school so that they can perform at the same level as their peers that don’t have school needs. These allowances don’t cost the school any additional money. Think about the child that requires glasses to help him or her see clearly when reading. That’s an allowance or accommodation. Now think about the child that needs larger print on tests. That’s an allowance that is made for students if they have the proper documentation. Dr. Forgan is a Jupiter School Psychologist that does the educational and psychological testing to document that the child’s needs are legitimate. Once the testing is completed parents can bring the written report to the public school so they can start providing extra help.
The child with more significant learning needs such as dyslexia, learning disabilities, learning disorders, autism, emotional needs, anxiety, or dysgraphia may need specialized help. Schools provide this specialized help through an IEP or Individualized Education Program. This program does cost the school district extra money since they have to provide a special teacher or therapist to help the child with the more significant learning needs. For example, the child with dyslexia requires being taught a different way to learn to read. The school system provides a special teacher with training in how to teach children with dyslexia so it cost them extra person power. The state gives the school district more money for each child with an IEP. Dr. Jim Forgan is a Jupiter School Psychologist that specializes in the testing and evaluation of children. If your child requires special instruction then you’ll bring the written report to the school so they can start the IEP process.
For young adults, Dr. Forgan tests to determine if they have a type of learning disorder that will qualify them for college accommodations. The most common accommodation is extended time on tests followed by testing in a distraction reduced environment. Some college students get the accommodation of receiving copies of notes or they are allowed to audio record the professor’s lecture.
Contact Dr. Forgan, Jupiter School Psychologist, if you need help with your child.
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