ADHD Girls If your daughter has ADHD or your suspect she might have ADHD/ ADD, I hope you’ve found my book, Raising Girls with ADHD: Secrets for Parenting Healthy, Happy Daughters published… read more →
Teachers of students with ADHD can be a positive influence on these wandering boys and girls. All students with ADHD have limitless potential but often need a teacher or adult… read more →
An ADHD Poem. Oh Mr. Funny Guy how you love to joke, Make a silly face or give a little poke. Try to make us laugh, distract us from our… read more →
I’m often asked, “How do you determine if this is normal boy behavior or behavior that may be Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?” You can probably arrive at an answer… read more →
Backpack blindness happened in my home tonight and if you are not familiar with backpack blindness that’s ok because it’s a new term I just coined. If you have a… read more →