We offer reading testing and specialized reading tutoring in person and via Whizzimo which is an interactive online platform.
Special reading tutoring is a different approach to helping children with persistent reading difficulty learn to read and read well. Children with dyslexia or challenging reading difficulties learn best with reading curriculum that is different in two important ways: how and what children are taught. First, the children must be taught how to read using an approach that is a specialized multisensory approach as children with dyslexia or chronic reading difficulty learn best when all their learning channels are activated. This means your child must hear, see, say, touch, and manipulate the information they are learning. They are learning via a nationally known, specialized one-to-one reading program that most public schools don’t offer.
Second, what your child learns must be different from the way general education teachers teach reading. Your child must be taught in a manner that is systematic, explicit, direct, and content controlled. There are several reading programs available that are highly effective for helping children with reading challenges. The key is to know which reading program is best for your child.
If your child is in early elementary school, these are the critical years for helping him or her with the foundational skills needed for success in middle and high school. In other words, don’t wait and start special reading instruction now or valuable time will pass. We’ve been helping parents long enough to know you can spend some money now or wait and spend a lot of money later to help your child.
The longer you wait, the harder it is to overcome a reading challenge. When you wait to start until your child is older, in addition to the special reading tutoring, you’ll also be trying to change your child’s negative attitude toward reading and possibly even low self-esteem.
Children who require special reading tutoring and receive it at an early age have a more positive attitude toward reading when they are older.