Gifted Testing Preparation Help in Palm Beach
Palm Beach is known for beautiful weather, beaches, and culture. Additionally, Palm Beach is known for its top notch gifted classes or programs. Some parents of gifted kids believe the quality of the Palm Beach Schools gifted classes are equivalent to a private school education. The Palm Beach School District has a strong gifted program that begins in kindergarten and Palm Beach is one of the few Florida school systems with full-time gifted kindergarten classes.
IQ Testing Palm Beach
To enter a kindergarten gifted class your child must take an individually administered IQ test and score a score of 130 or above (this is the gifted range of intelligence).
Gifted IQ testing Palm Beach is more than just showing up and answering a some questions. It’s a process that can inform you about your child’s natural ability and I know that is something that you don’t take lightly. Lets prepare your child to perform at his or her best so come in for a meet and greet or screening. Contact me at the number above.
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