When Should You Test A Child for Gifted?

If you are considering having your child’s IQ tested to see if he or she is gifted and would qualify for the school’s gifted program, you can do this starting at age 4 and up.  Gifted testing is done just prior to entering kindergarten.

When Should You Test A Child for Gifted?

I recommend the morning hours before lunch as the best time of day to test a child for gifted but you know your child best.  If your child is slower to wake up then a lunch time or early afternoon appointment is fine.  Generally speaking, most kids can perform well anytime during their regular school hours.  Thus, if your child attends school from 9am-2pm, he or she is used to working during that time.  So you could test your child for gifted anytime during those hours.  If you want Palm Beach Schools gifted testing then you’ll want to schedule January 1st or after.  Call early for your appointment because the morning slots fill up fast.

How Should You Prepare Your Child for Gifted Testing?

I know when I take a test I prepare for it.  You probably do the same.  Well, you can prepare your child for gifted testing by providing your child with a video tour of my office and by listening to a special message from me.  The IQ test does not have math or reading on it so it measures a child’s ability to solve newly presented problems.  The types of problems can be practiced in workbooks and I tell you the BEST ones to use when you purchase my gifted parent prep program or that I’ll give you after you schedule testing with me.  These help your child prepare for the format of the test and this often reduces anxiety and help your child feel more confident.  You can also prepare your child for gifted testing by calling the test ‘activities’ and not ‘games’ or ‘test’ because these do require thinking and are not simple.

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