Palm Beach Gifted

If you want to know about Palm Beach gifted testing then this is a must read article.  I explain the Palm Beach gifted class requirements.  We are rapidly approaching the time of year when private schools open their registration and parents begin to consider their child’s options for the coming school year.  You want your child in the Palm Beach schools gifted classes and for good reason.

Consider this. According to the Educational Resource Information Center, research on gifted education indicates:

Gifted students benefit from learning together and should be placed with similar students in their areas of strength.

It has been extremely difficult for regular education teachers to differentiate curriculum to meet the needs of gifted students in mixed ability classrooms.

When cooperative learning has been used in the regular education classroom, gifted students often become tutors and learn less academic content.

Gifted students frequently know many concepts introduced in the regular education class and waste a lot of time.

The Palm Beach School District is one of the few Florida school districts offering kindergarten gifted programs. Many Palm Beach public schools offer full-time gifted classes taught by a certified gifted teacher.  If you want your child in gifted kindergarten then you must pay privately for them to be tested with an IQ test as well as reading and math.  Insurance does not cover gifted testing.

After testing I share the results immediately so you know if your child qualifies.

To qualify for the Palm Beach Gifted classes your child must have an IQ of 130 or above.  They must score above 90% of same age kids on the achievement test in either reading or math.  This applies to kids in kindergarten and older.  If your child is in preschool and going into kindergarten then the testing must take place after January 1st.    Finally, your child’s teacher completes a gifted checklist describing your child.  There are different IQ tests for preschool and school age children.  Gifted testing takes about 1 hour.

Some schools offer inclusion gifted programs where the child’s regular teacher, in consultation with a gifted teacher, provide enriched curriculum activities. Other schools have a pull-out program so the gifted child may attend a gifted class for one day a week.  In Palm Beach, I recommed the full time gifted classes.

The gifted testing process takes about an hour. There are other ways for children of low socioeconomic status and limited English proficiency to qualify for gifted programs. Call today as the prime spots fill up quickly. (561) 625-4125