Boca Raton Gifted Testing

Boca Raton gifted testing takes about one hour.  If you are not sure if your child is gifted but want an estimate of his or her IQ, you can have a your child complete an brief IQ test which is considered a screening for gifted and takes under 30 minutes.

The requirements for the Boca Raton gifted testing is the same as the rest of Palm Beach County.  The Palm Beach Schools gifted classes define giftedness as an IQ score that is 130 or above.  Nationally the gifted IQ score range is 130 or above so Palm Beach gifted classes are right in line with this requirement.

The Palm Beach schools gifted classes used to require that gifted testing includes academic testing in reading and math.  In late 2015 they removed this requirement.

You probably want to prepare your child for gifted testing and I offer a video tour of my office, a special message to your child, and suggest books and apps that you can use to prepare your child.  This type of preparation simply helps your child become familiar with the format of the testing.  When you bring your young child in, simply tell him or her that they will get a chance to show this new person how much they have been learning.  Most kids are comfortable with testing when parents put it in terms of doing things they do in preschool or school.

Our office is in Jupiter which is a 35 minute drive from Boca Raton.  If you want to prepare your child look into these resources.

If you have additional questions use the contact form above or call.  We look forward to working with you.